Vampires have woven their way through the cover of darkness and landed right smack in the middle of my Kindle screen! But that's not all...everywhere I look I see vampire fever. As I think about it I realize this is definitely not something new. Bela Lugosi was frightening movie goers long before Twilight hit the book stores and the big screen. Think about it...movies include Interview with the Vampire (seen here), Vampire in Paris, Vampire Weekend. We invited Buffy the Vampire Slayer into our homes weekly. Today folks everywhere are tuning into a show called True Blood. The streets and malls are spattered with teenagers sporting a dark, Goth appearance. We dress our children in vampire costumes and parade them around our neighborhoods on Halloween. Why, I even found a vampire attired Teddy Bear for sale! So what is it? What has caused our fascination with vampires? Why are we so consumed with curiosity about these mythical creatures? What part of the human psyche do they tweak? This is going to require more thinking. In the meantime, my Kindle beckons.
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