Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Beautiful, not Barren!

Every time I head to New Mexico I am amazed at the landscape. I live in south Georgia where it is hot, humid, lush, green, mosquito-filled, and slow moving. New Mexico is where the rest of my family lives.  As I fly into the Albuquerque Airport I always marvel at how brown the landscape appears. However, in spite of its seemingly drab appearance, the desert is anything but boring or barren. It is dotted with some of the most amazing structures nature has ever produced.

The days are hot and dry, but at the end of the day, the sun sparkles off the desert sands and produces some of the most breath-taking sunsets I have ever seen. That sunset is sort of your reward for suffering through the heat of the day.

I love New Mexico because my family is there, but also because God's paintbrush swept across it in a most wonderful way.

Enjoy the slideshow.

Desert Delights!

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