Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Summer of TapFish

Okay, I admit it, this may be one of the silliest things I have EVER done! Yup, it's right up there with licking the frozen flagpole and sticking your tongue in the electric socket! What is it? TapFish. So, "What is TapFish?", you ask. Let me tell you. This summer I have spent a whole lot of time tapping my iPad while caring for a huge school of virtual fish. Yes, you hear me correctly, virtual fish.

I have fish in all colors, shapes, and sizes. They need to be fed and loved. They need to have clean, sparkling tanks. I am busy doing all of that while making big (virtual) bucks buying and selling fish, plants, and more.

Last summer I made a trip to the Grand Canyon, the Painted Desert, and the Petrified Forest. This summer I tapped. My niece commented that she had a virtual pet when she was in the third grade. Emphasis was on the fact that she was nine years old. I'm slightly older than that, so what's my excuse?

No excuse; I just find it fun and relaxing. So here's to the summer of TapFish. Check it out!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Larry the lobster

Here I am with Larry who is depressed sitting in death row; don't blame him! I promise not to order his untimely demise.

-- Post From My iPhone


Friday, April 2, 2010

What were they thinking?

There’s something about the airport that just gets me thinking. I have always been a “people watcher”, and what more ideal people watching spot than the middle of the Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta? This is one of the biggest and busiest airports in the world. It is just crawling with people all milling about. They’re rushing from one flight to the next, hustling to make connections, talking on the phone, eating lukewarm fast food on the run, and doing all this while dragging half their earthly possessions behind them in luggage on wheels.
But, I digress. Back to my original thought – there’s just something about an airport. Somehow with all the bustling about folks get lulled into thinking they are invisible. Where were their families and friends when they got dressed this morning? I guess these fashion failures figure if they don’t know anyone it doesn’t matter how they look.
Today the airport promenade was like a parade of bad fashions I’ve lived long enough to regret! Let’s see… first, who stitches madras triangles into old, torn up blue jeans to create bell bottoms? No one I’ve known since 1966 when I was listening to the Mamas and Papas. Beehive hairdos? Haven’t seen one in years! Saw one today…still looks like a ratty mess!
Furry lavender sweater clips? Who knew! “It can’t be so!” you’re thinking, but sadly, it is. I remember my mom wearing sweater clips back in the 1950s and I even had a pair of mink ones when I was about ten (1958). I thought I was the neatest thing since sliced bread! However, that was 52 years ago. I think this person was trying to channel June Lockhart! (You’re too young to know who she is. You can look her up or make a mental picture of the cast of Father Knows Best, Leave It to Beaver, or Lassie). I just can’t imagine where she would have gotten them…antique store? eBay? Aunt Millie’s junk drawer? That will remain a mystery.
Oh, and when was the last time you saw someone go out with curlers in their hair? Not just curlers, but the ones the size of soup cans! Let’s see, what else did I see? Well, there was the “Bedazzler Gone Bad!” pair of blue jeans. I can’t imagine how she sat down. Her behind was covered with the sparklers. Her butt must feel like a pin cushion. And then, just to round out the day, there was the florescent blue eye shadow. Now that’s a real fashion statement...from the 1970s when I was listening to Jethro Tull and the Moody Blues while wearing my way cool madras insert bell bottoms!
Don’t you just LOVE the airport!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


When I was a little girl I used to love Show and Tell; Show and Tell was on Friday and I couldn't wait to see what everyone would bring. Meanwhile, I would worry all week about what I should pack up and lug off to school that day.

The kids in my class brought in lots of cool stuff...stuffed animals missing an ear, dolls with hideous hair sticking up or falling out, shiny new galoshes, a rhinestone necklace from the carnival, a gerbil that bit somebody, a hideous lime green sweater knitted by someone's grandma...the list goes on and on.

In spite of all the ridiculous stuff, we just loved getting a sneak peak into the lives of our friends. And at the same time we loved deciding what little tidbit of our lives we would share each week.

Travel forward fifty I am doing the same exact thing! Yup, Facebook is really just Show and Tell for adults. Admit it, you love looking at the pictures and videos of what's going on in your friends' lives. You love reading and commenting about what's going on with everybody. And I bet I'm like deciding what to share on Facebook.

We are social animals and our connections are so important. Those connections reassure us that we are "okay". So, to all my friends on Facebook...keep sharing. I love feeling close to you even though so many of you are far away!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

What a "latte" fun!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

It's date night and after 39 years of marriage I still look forward to spending time with the hubs. So, what does old people dating entail,you ask? First a trip to Fresh Market; nothing screams romance like squeezing tomatoes together, right? Next is a yummy dinner at our favorite sushi bar. The night is topped off with a cozy cup of Joe. Nothing better!

Location:Savannah,United States